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SoliDare Festival

Month: April 2024


Come out there and meet the world!

SoliDare Fest is back in Brussels on 14 and 15 February. This one-of-a-kind festival, organized by and for young people is open to anyone aged 16 to 30 to discover international solidarity and its many dimensions over two days. Do you want to offer your pupils/students a unique opportunity to meet and learn from interesting people as part of a school trip? Then mark Friday 14 February on your calendar. The festival is free and by subscription.

What is SoliDare Fest?

An educational, inspiring and enriching festival that boost young people’s critical and citizenship mindsets. It is an occasion to get to know NGOs, international organisations and committed young people from all over Belgium.

Young people can explore and discuss challenges such as the environment, decolonisation and socio-economic and gender inequalities.

I participate


The festival will take place on Friday 14 (from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm) and Saturday 15 February (from 10.30 am to 7.30 pm), with a similar programme on both days:

  • Inspirational debates: a reflection on the future of international solidarity with young people by SoliDare, a roundtable discussion between young people and key figures in official international cooperation and a debate on the role of young people in official NGOs with the CNCD-11.11.11.
  • Various workshops:
    • Martial Arts for Peace by We See You
    • Traditional Afar singing and dancing by FIDA
    • Fast fashion reflection through screen printing by Latitude Jeunes
    • And many more, led by various actors and NGOs working on global citizenship education (WBE) and international solidarity: Broederlijk Delen, Djapo, KIYO, CNAPD, YOUCA, UCOS, VLIR-UOS, UHasselt, ARES, Jagora, Join for Water, WSM, Bibliothèques Sans Frontières, Défi Belgique Afrique, 11. 11.11, CNCD-11.11.11, Oxfam Solidarity, IOM, CEC, 4th Pillar Support Centre, Enabel Junior Program, …
  • Numerous info stands for young people on volunteering, career opportunities in international cooperation, activism and so on.
  • Interactive art installations: painting in collaboration with the Palestinian artists of A Land With A People and the VR experience of Draw for Change.
  • Meetings with young activists by Intal and young people from Amnesty International
  • Theatre: ‘Le passe tête’, the touching testimony of an immigrant without papers
  • Exhibitions:  KABA Art Initiatives, Draw for Change and a short documentary on reforestation in Rwanda
  • Music: various concerts, keep an eye out!
  • And of course, there will be plenty of opportunity to enjoy delicious dishes that taste of international solidarity. These will be prepared by Brussels-based caterer, Ben’s Tables.

Where and when?

At Capital asbl/vzw, Antwerpselaan 40, 1000 Brussels

  • 14 February 2025: for schools and pupils/students aged 16 and older
  • 15 February 2025: for all young people aged 16 to 30

Are you an engaged teacher?

Do you want to encourage your pupils/students to engage in international solidarity? Participate with your class or teaching group in SoliDare Fest on Friday, 14 February! Register your class/lesson group now via the link below and encourage your pupils/students to build a more inclusive future.👇

I participate

Do you have questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us through beglobal@enabel.be.

Edition 2023