
Basic findings from literature

Research on Global Citizenship Education

The academic world is increasingly convinced of the relevance of Global Citizenship Education. As a result, there is a large body of research on Global Citizenship Education and various related topics. Networks and research groups have been set up in recent decades.

In Europe, ANGEL (Academic Network on Global Education & Learning) plays an important role in bringing together researchers from different countries. A special mention goes to ANGEL’s Global Education Digest, a comprehensive bibliography of academic and research material on Global Citizenship Education which the network publishes periodically. In Flanders, a specific research group within HIVA (Research Institute for Work and Society) focuses on the study of Global Citizenship Education.

International journals dealing with Global Citizenship Education research and debate, such as the International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, reinforce these initiatives. Academic reference works on Global Citizenship Education are also appearing, such as The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning (2020) and The Palgrave Handbook of Global Citizenship and Education (2018).

Global Citizenship Education has become a specific area of research. It is obviously not possible to give a complete overview of existing research. That’s why we present below four fundamental research findings that inspire the way BeGlobal works, each linked to fascinating texts.

Finding 1: Global Citizenship Education citizenship is about insight, empathy and engagement

Finding 2: The importance of a critical approach

Finding 3: Lasting results thanks to a whole-school approach

Finding 4: Need for Flanders to catch up

We strive to be a platform that makes research results accessible to our many GCE partners. Are the themes missing from the discussion above? Do you want to put your research in the spotlight? Let us know!