Support and strengthen GCE and its actors

Policy supporting
BeGlobal seeks to support an enabling environment that encourages education stakeholders to integrate the ECM and the SDGs into their agendas and initiatives.

This involves mobilising public players, at the various levels of power, to put these issues on the political agenda, to develop policies and strategies, to mobilise resources, to develop intersectorality, etc., in conjunction with civil society and the private sector.

To do this, we are part of a number of regional, national and international networks, platforms and consultation structures, and there are also non-governmental organisations, the media and the private sphere around young people (parents and peers) that play a part in creating this favourable environment.


The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) connects more than 12,000 schools in 182 countries. All ‘UNESCO schools’ work together on quality education for international solidarity, peace, intercultural dialogue and sustainable development. In Belgium, BeGlobal supports them in networking days and activities. Want to become part of the UNESCO ASP network? Send us an email!

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Masterclass process management
How do you anchor sustainable thinking and acting in your school so that it becomes more than the work of a few enthusiasts? As the ‘lead’, how do you ensure an integrated approach? During the Masterclass ‘Process guidance of sustainable world citizenship projects’, participants learn strategies for embedding GCE, supporting transparent communication and increasing support.

The master class is aimed at WBE coordinators (teachers or headmasters), educators, pedagogical supervisors, teacher educators, coaches, trainers, … who take up such a role as external to various schools.

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Sharing expertise

Good global citizenship education requires sharing knowledge and expertise. We work on GCE in which policy and practices are evidence-based. As a Centre of Expertise for Global Citizenship Education, we contribute to this by publishing issue papers and magazines in which experts from the sector provide input and by organizing webinars. Through this, we aim to identify, capitalize and share GCE-practices and knowledge, from here and elsewhere, and strive to build synergies and foster learning.

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GCE Barometer

The GCE Barometer is a survey that collects baseline data on global citizenship education in the education sector. The survey helps answer critical questions about the current state of GCE, including how it is applied in schools, the number of schools involved, the most prominent themes, … . The barometer supports education and GCE actors in developing evidence-based strategic policy and impactful practice in GCE.

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KlasCement / Repertoire

Resources for citizens of the world
On the project page on KlasCement and in our repertoire, we share a selection of teaching materials on global citizenship, both from BeGlobal and our partners. Teachers will find teaching materials and activities for their students or training for themselves.

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Inspiration Days

Teach Up! 2030
Coming together with people in the education sector to find inspiration and an opportunity to exchange ideas on sustainable and global issues is the idea behind the inspiration days and Teach Up! 2030. Through a range of interactive workshops, we offer tools to help students learn about the Sustainable Development Goals in an engaging way and get started with them in school.

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Global Teachers Academy

Global Teachers Academy

Teachers or class facilitators often receive questions about complex themes that can escalate into intense discussions in the classroom. The Global Teachers Academy challenges participants to approach several global challenges in their own unique way and apply this perspective to their role in the classroom.
Experts provide the necessary arguments, critical approaches, and new insights to ignite their personal learning process. This ensures that teachers and class facilitators can address these themes in the classroom with increased confidence.

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Lerend netwerk

Learning network GCE teacher training programs

Global citizenship education is in full swing within teacher training. The need for collaboration with other WBE actors is growing, so that experiences can be shared and people can learn from each other. BeGlobal responds to this with a new learning network that offers participants a fresh perspective on various approaches and methods within WBE. The network inspires practice and facilitates exchange and reflection through networking and learning moments.

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Employment finality process

Global citizenship education in vocational schools
Global citizenship education is not as strong in vocational education. In this project, we conduct research, exchange with NGOs, teachers and students and test innovative approaches. How can we give GCE a cross-curricular place in vocational education? How do schools and students in vocational education commit to a just world? And how do we best support them in this?

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WBE in Oeganda

Intercultural peer exchange Uganda

Decolonizing exchanges and history education
This experimental WBE exchange project explores, on the one hand, how intercultural WBE projects can be designed and implemented from a critical and decolonial perspective. On the other hand, it promotes a decolonial approach to teaching about the colonial past by bringing together history teacher educators from Flanders and Uganda to explore colonialism in history education, co-create teaching materials and teach. As a result, we can now present a lesson series, and a documentary series to deepen your reflection and knowledge about truth regimes.

Youth engagement

Today’s youth live in a hyper-globalised and connected world that’s constantly changing. They face global challenges that will have a lasting impact on them.

In response, many of them are mobilising and setting up solidarity actions both locally and internationally. Through the SoliDare initiatives, BeGlobal aims to highlight and support them.

Logo SoliDare Fest

SoliDare Fest

SoliDare Fest is a festival created by and for young people and revolves around international solidarity.
Next edition: 14 and 15 February 2025, at Capital vzw/asbl, Brussels.

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Logo SoliDare

SoliDare Hub

SoliDare Hub supports international solidarity projects run by young people in Belgium.

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SoliDare Hack

A series of hackathons where we connect young people with experts and young people from our partner countries. The goal is to work together on a specific challenge in the field of international solidarity, with a concrete result at the end.
The first edition took place in Antwerp, in collaboration with Youth United Empowerment and Levuur, and resulted in three concepts for international solidarity initiatives for Palestine.

Intercultural peer exchange Palestine

Fostering engagement among young people in vulnerable contexts
To broaden our approach to GCE with international perspectives, we looked for collaborations with Enabel’s partners abroad. Both in Antwerp and Palestine, the high school dropout rates are climbing. Youth workers and teachers exchange ideas and perspectives. How can we foster engagement among young people in vulnerable contexts?