Teaching principles
Teaching principles for Global Citizenship Education
The Global Citizenship Education teaching principles use a systemic, intercultural and multi-perspective approach.
Systemic approach: “Each person is part of a larger whole, which is part of a system that in turn develops within larger systems that interact and influence each other to form a complex world.” GCE is based on this systemic approach, which makes visible not only the actors involved, but also the interrelationships, power relations and playing fields. It encourages learners to see a global issue as part of a complex system of which they themselves are a part.
Intercultural approach: in the light of cultural knowledge and codes and by questioning the history of our societies and our collective thinking, GCE aims to combat ethnocentrism and promote a complex, decolonial vision of the world. GCE aims to mobilise both the individual for long-term change by appealing to their interest/empathy, understanding, critical spirit, responsible attitude and citizenship, and the group that it targets by promoting participatory reflection dynamics, group action, appreciation of a collective production, engagement and transition to action. GCE ensures that learners are free to take their own positions.
Multiperspective approach: The aim is to develop the public’s knowledge, understanding and critical stance on a GCE issue by using a variety of viewpoints (argued, divergent, complementary, of different persuasions) and media (multiple sources of information, teaching tools varied in both form and content: game, film, testimony, visit, classroom activity, etc.).
Given these inseparable features, GCE advocates active and participatory teaching techniques, such as e.g. project teaching.